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Waterloo Battlefield

Waterloo - a small town 20 kilometers south of Brussels, which became popular after June 18, 1815, when its surroundings took great battle Army Seventh European monarchs coalition against Napoleon's regiments. As a result, the Grand Army commander was defeated.
Guests Waterloo can visit museums, exposition is dedicated to the great battle in the vicinity of the city is the panorama of the Battle, also known as the Lion Hill.
The most exciting event for visitors and residents of Waterloo is a theatrical staging of the battle which is held here every five years. In 2010 participated in the formulation of about 3 thousand people and more than 150 horses. Soldiers dressed in the uniforms of the French and the British Army, held the audience under formation game music orchestra. This festival is organized on a voluntary basis by the locals. Such a colorful approach to history can not leave anyone indifferent.

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