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Turnhout arrondissement:
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- Arendonk
- Baarle-Hertog
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- Dessel
- Geel
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- Hoogstraten
- Hulshout
- Kasterlee
- Laakdal
- Lille
- Meerhout
- Merksplas
- Mol
- Olen
- Oud-Turnhout
- Ravels
- Retie
- Rijkevorsel
- Turnhout
- Vorselaar
- Vosselaar
- Westerlo
Princes Park (Retie)
2470 Retie, Antwerp, Belgium
The small town of Reti in the province of Antwerp about three hundred years ago was just a swampy terrain where sheep grazed. In 1854, Belgium's King Leopold I acquired in these places, several hundred acres of land to create a park and palace construction. Castle of natural landshavtov was never ...
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