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Royal Museum of Fine Arts (Antwerp)

Museum of Fine Arts is located in Antwerp, the Flemish Region of Belgium, in the 19th century. Was created through the efforts of the old painters' guild of Antwerp, which was formed back in 1382. In the course of history museum has repeatedly been ruin, but despite this, yet many unique works preserved to this day.
Basically exposition devoted to national art, but also includes the masterpieces of English, Italian, German and French schools of art, a collection of Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century. It houses a collection of paintings by the great artist Belgian James Ensor, as well as a collection of works by the Belgian sculptor and painter Rick Wauters. Just a collection of the Royal Museum includes more than seven and a half thousand paintings, prints, drawings and sculptures period of 14-20 centuries.
Before the end of 2017 the Royal Museum of Fine Arts will be closed for renovation.

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