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Plantin - Moretus Museum

Plantin Moretus Museum, located in the city of Antwerp in a former printing of two well-known publishers - Christopher Plantin and his son-Jan Moretus, which they founded in the 16th century.
The museum is a large detached house, in rooms which sohranlsya vintage interior with paintings, prints and tapestries. Visitors can see the work rooms, where the collection of printing materials, two surviving workers typewriters 16th century. The museum is known Plantenovskaya library, which has about thirty thousand books. Among the rare instances - 150 incunabula. This sample book's first printing. Also, you'll see 42-line Bible, published in the first half of 1450's first printer Johannes Gutenberg.
In 2005, Plantin Moretus Museum, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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