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Caves of Han-sur-Lesse

Cave of natural origin Han-sur-Lec located in the province of Namur near the village of Han-sur-Lec. Occupies one of the first places in Belgium the number of visitors.
Cave was the result of karst limestone rock dissolution under the influence River Forest. Here is a very high level of humidity and temperature is always about +13 ° C. The beauty of the cave is impossible to describe. Education stalagmites and stalactites are fascinating. The most interesting item - stalagmite height of five meters. Keep in mind that this breed can grow only 2-3 centimeters per century.
Visit Han-sur-Lec can only ride on a special tram that transported visitors to the cave. Next you will find a tour that will take half an hour. At the end of the path visitors offer boat trips on the underground river. This is an unforgettable experience!

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